Which of the following are true?
(Please select all that apply. If unsure, just take your best guess.)

Something that used to work on my site doesn’t work anymore.

It has been 3 years or more since my site received a site-wide update/refresh.

My website has several miscellaneous technical issues

My website does not display well on mobile devices

I don't see a lock icon next to the URL when visiting my site

True/False: My website looks out of date compared to my competitors.

True/False: My site is listed on Google page 1 when people search for "__________ near me"

Which of the following is true?
(please select all that apply)

We have no need to capture leads via our website

True/False: My site has been optimized for accessibility.

True/False: My site has been optimized for current legal and privacy requirements.

True/False: My website has a Privacy Policy that can be accessed from a menu.

True/False: People are visiting my site but aren't buying my product or service.

True/False: We have received complaints from visitors about their experience on our site.

True/False: My competitor has a better website than mine.

Which of the following are true?
(please select all that apply)

Which of the following are true?
(please select all that apply)

Which of the following are true?
(please select all that apply)

This report will help you make more strategic website and digital marketing decisions. In other words, you can use this report to quickly and efficiently evaluate your website’s strengths and weaknesses. At the same time, the prioritized recommendations we provide in the report are easy to read and understand, so your business can easily decide where to allocate its time and resources to gain a competitive edge.
Use the button below to order your Website Assessment today. Just give us some basic information and one of our Business Analysts will take it from there. You can generally expect your customized report to be in your inbox within 24-48 hours.
Based on your answers, it looks like you may have some issues with online sales and could benefit from further research. Please keep reading.

It appears your site could be optimized to improve:
the User Experience - customers leave if the experience is less than expected
- Are you sure your customers find your website easy to use?
- Is it old and out-dated?
Site Speed and Mobile Responsiveness - technical issues have an impact on where you show up in search results
- Does your website load quickly? How quickly?
- Do you KNOW how your site displays on all the mobile devices?
your use of Social Proof - people do business with who they know like and trust
- Are you using all the forms of social proof to their best advantage?
Search Engine Optimization - good SEO practices give you an edge over your competition
- Has your site been optimized for SEO by a professional?
- Are you getting found by the right people at the right time for the proper keywords?
In a nutshell, optimizing your website for more sales requires a combination of different strategies and tactics. By focusing on user experience, leveraging social proof, correcting any technical issues, and properly using the power of search engine optimization, you can dramatically improve your website's performance and increase your sales.
Your email version of this report includes more detail regarding how to optimize your website for increased sales so be on the lookout for that.
To determine MOST PRECISELY what is going on with your site from a SALES perspective, as well as measuring everything that matters to the online success of your business, we would like to offer you a $50 discount on our Comprehensive Website Assessment.
This report will help you make more strategic website and digital marketing decisions. In other words, you can use this report to quickly and efficiently evaluate your website’s strengths and weaknesses. At the same time, the prioritized recommendations we provide in the report are easy to read and understand, so your business can easily decide where to allocate its time and resources to gain a competitive edge.
It’s time to STOP GUESSING about what’s wrong or under-performing on your website and click the button below to order your Website Assessment today. One of our Business Analysts will be in touch. You can generally expect your customized report to be in your inbox within 24-48 hours.
Based on your answers, it looks like you may have one or more technical issues and could benefit from further research. Please keep reading.

Technical issues on a website can range from website downtime, slow loading speeds, broken links, difficulty navigating the site, and others. When these issues occur, they can lead, not only to a poor user experience and ultimately result in a loss of customers, but a lower search engine ranking, as well. Here are some things you may want to check:
Slow loading speed - most website owners are completely unaware how significant this can be and the impact it has on search results. Is your site loading fast enough?
Broken links - too many 404 error pages can affect where Google and other search engines place your business in the search results. Are you certain all the links across the web and on your site do not return 404 pages?
Difficulty navigating a website - a poor user experience can affect search engine results. Are you certain your customers are finding everything they need on your site?
Other technical areas that might be of concern include:
- Mobile responsiveness
- No (or expired) SSL Certificate
- Excessive Website downtime
- Lack of Government Mandated Policy Statements
The truth is, when a site has technical issues, aside from the customer having a poor experience, Google and other search engines assume the business is not as "serious" or "professional" as those whose sites are well-maintained and running like a well-oiled machine.
Oh - and check your email too. We just sent you some more information on how technical issues on your site might be hurting your business - and what to do about it.
If you want to determine EXACTLY what is going on with your site from a technical perspective, as well as measuring everything that matters to the online success of your business, we would like to offer you a $50 discount on our Comprehensive Website Assessment (click the button to get the coupon code).
This report will not only pinpoint technical improvements, it will help you make more strategic website and digital marketing decisions. In other words, you can use this report to quickly and efficiently evaluate your website’s strengths and weaknesses.The prioritized recommendations we provide in the report are easy to read and understand, so your business can better decide where to allocate its time and resources to gain a competitive edge.
It’s time to STOP GUESSING about what’s wrong or under-performing on your website and click the button below to order your Website Assessment today. You can use the button below to do that. And don't forget to watch for that email for more guidance.
Based on your answers, it looks like you aren't getting acceptable online visibility or leads from your site. We think you could benefit from a little further research. Please keep reading.

If your website is not appearing in local search results, there are a number of potential reasons why.
Improper or Incomplete Indexing - you need to ensure the search engines are indexing your site
Lack of location-specific keywords - content on the site should be optimized for phrases that LOCAL customers are using to find businesses like yours.
Ignoring Google Business Profile (formerly google My Business) - you must claim, verify, and maintain your business listings.
Lack of backlinks - backlinks from authoritative, local websites help in your search rank
But even if you’re getting plenty of traffic to your site, how do those visitors then become leads and then customers? Be sure to check the email we just sent you with more information on:
- Creating a clear call-to-action
- Creating a lead magnet
- Creating compelling landing pages
It's important to remember that lead generation is a continuous process and you should always be testing different strategies and tactics to find out what works best for your business.
If you want to determine MORE PRECISELY what may be hampering your ability to capture leads via your website, and to thank you for completing the self-assessment, we would like to offer you a one-time $50 discount on our Comprehensive Website Assessment.
This report measures EVERYTHING that matters to the online success of your business and will help you make more strategic website and digital marketing decisions. In other words, you can use this report to quickly and efficiently evaluate your website’s strengths and weaknesses.
At the same time, the prioritized recommendations we provide in the report are easy to read and understand, so your business can better decide where to allocate its time and resources to gain a competitive edge.
It’s time to STOP GUESSING about what’s wrong or under-performing on your website and click the button below to order your Website Assessment today.
Based on your answers, it looks like your website might be putting your business at risk legally. We think you could benefit from some further research. Please keep reading.

International, federal, and state laws regarding websites are changing every day which can seem overwhelming to the small business owner. However, neglecting to address website legal risks can lead to costly lawsuits and reputation damage. At a minimum, your site needs to be compliant with the applicable laws regarding:
Privacy - if your website COLLECTS ANY personal information from users, such as a first name or email address, for ANY purpose, you must have a privacy policy in place that clearly outlines how that information will be used and/or protected. If you have a form on your site that collects personal information, do you also have a privacy policy on that website?
Accessibility - federal accessibility guidelines mandate that websites must be accessible to all, including those with disabilities. Are you aware of the accessibility requirements for your site and how to implement them?
Cookie Policy - Cookies are small files that are invisibly placed on a user's device when they visit a website. If you use cookies, you must disclose this. Are you certain about whether your website uses cookies?
To fully protect yourself from unscrupulous serial litigators who prey on unaware small businesses, you also need:
Terms of Service - Terms of Service (also known as Terms and Conditions or Terms of Use) lay out the rules a user must follow when using the website.
Other Disclaimers - Depending on the industry, what you're offering, and how, you may need additional disclosures to clarify things for the user and protect yourself.
For more information on potential legal risks of your website check out the email we’re sending you with some more details about what you need and how to get it.
The bottom line is, website owners must ensure that their websites are compliant with any legal requirements that apply to their specific industry or geographic location or that of their visitors. In order to find out EXACTLY what is required of YOUR website will require further investigation.
And that's why we are offering YOU a $50 discount on our Comprehensive Website Assessment. This report will help you make more strategic website and digital marketing decisions. In other words, you can use this report to quickly and efficiently evaluate your website’s strengths and weaknesses.
Along with that, the prioritized recommendations we provide in the report are easy to read and understand, so your business can better decide where to allocate its time and resources to gain a competitive edge.
It’s time to STOP GUESSING about what’s wrong or under-performing on your website and click the button below to order your Website Assessment today.